Seller Guide On

Welcome to! This guide will help you navigate the platform, ensuring a smooth and successful selling experience.

1. Getting Started

a. Registering as a Seller:

  • Visit the homepage and click on “Register.”
  • Complete the registration form with your details, including your shop name, contact information, and payment details.
  • Verify your email address to activate your seller account.

b. Setting Up Your Shop:

  • Log in to your seller account and navigate to the “Dashboard.”
  • Click on “Shop Settings” to personalize your shop with a banner, logo, and description.
  • Provide detailed information about your store, including your policies on shipping, returns, and customer service.
2. Listing Your Products

a. Adding Products:

  • In the “Dashboard,” go to “Catalogue” and to “Products” and click “+” sign to Add New Product.
  • Fill in the product details including title, description, category, price, and stock quantity.
  • Upload high-quality images (minimum 800×800 pixels) to showcase your products effectively.
  • Enable “Inventory” and enter the number for the available stock in the field “AVAILABLE QUANTITY” for each product . This ensures you can keep track of stocks and get alerted when available stock is below a threshold. By doing this, you prevent buyers from buying out-of-stock products and giving you a negative reputation when you can’t deliver what you don’t have.
  • Include tags and keywords to improve searchability.

b. Product Descriptions:

  • Write clear and concise descriptions.
  • Highlight key features, benefits, and any unique selling points.
  • Use bullet points for better readability.

c. Pricing:

  • Research competitive pricing to attract buyers.
  • Consider all costs (production, shipping, fees) to ensure profitability.
3. Managing Orders

a. Order Notifications:

  • Enable notifications to stay updated on new orders.
  • Regularly check your dashboard for order updates.

b. Processing Orders:

  • Confirm and prepare orders promptly.
  • Package items securely to prevent damage during shipping.
  • Ship orders within the promised timeframe.

c. Shipping:

  • Use reliable shipping services and provide tracking numbers.
  • Keep buyers informed about their order status.
4. Customer Service

a. Communication:

  • Respond to customer inquiries promptly.
  • Be polite and professional in all interactions.

b. Handling Issues:

  • Address customer complaints or issues swiftly.
  • Offer solutions such as refunds, replacements, or discounts when necessary.
5. Marketing and Promotion

a. Promotions:

  • Utilize promotional tools to create discounts and special offers.
  • Participate in site-wide sales events.

b. Social Media:

  • Promote your products on social media platforms.
  • Engage with potential customers through posts and ads.
6. Tracking Performance

a. Analytics:

  • Use the analytics tools in your dashboard to track sales performance.
  • Analyze data to understand customer preferences and adjust your strategy accordingly.

b. Feedback:

  • Encourage customers to leave reviews on your storefront at .
  • Use feedback to improve your products and services.
7. Compliance and Policies

a. Platform Policies:

  • Familiarize yourself with’s policies and guidelines.
  • Ensure your products comply with legal requirements and platform standards.

b. Seller Fees:

By following this guide, you can enhance your selling experience on, build a reputable shop, and grow your customer base. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, the support team is always ready to help. Happy selling!